Back in 2010 when we first started Pinterest, we were blown away by how many ways people found to use it. What started as a simple visual bookmarking tool quickly became a catalog of ideas that all kinds of interesting people—architects, designers, gardeners, chefs, parents—used to discover creative ideas they wanted to try.
Over the last 5 years, that small group of people has grown into a creative community of more than 100 million monthly active Pinners and we’re constantly astounded by all the different things Pinterest has inspired them to go do.
Millions of Pinners come to Pinterest every day to plan their vacations, redo their kitchens and find healthy recipes to cook. We’ve also got teachers discovering ways to get creative in their classrooms and survivalists discovering ways to live off the land. Professional chefs are growing their own food and dads are making Ghostbuster-themed lunches for their kid. Motorcyclists, dog enthusiasts, comic book lovers, royal family aficionados ... they’ve all found their own place on Pinterest. I especially love seeing ideas from Pinners around the world, from Canadian landscapers to Swiss beekeepers. We’ve even got a community of deaf Pinners who’ve come up with a whole new sign for “Pinterest.”
Each time I hear about a Pinner who’s gone out and tried something they discovered on Pinterest, it makes my day. Being part of something that helps people be more creative in their daily lives is one of the things I love most about my job.
So I wanted to thank you—all 100,000,000 of you. And to our next 100,000,000 Pinners: I can’t wait to see what new ideas you discover!
—Enid Hwang, Community Manager, currently pinning to TABLE