Back at beginning of this new year, we encouraged everyone to chuck their usual quit-this, lose-that resolutions and try something different instead. And it seems a bunch of you are doing exactly that.
We took a look at top Pins for January in some of the fastest growing topics on Pinterest (like gardening, woodworking and DIY), and people have come up with some amazingly creative ideas for the year ahead. Here are 15 of our favorites. If you spot an idea that looks interesting, it isn’t too late to add it to your own 2015 board!
Can’t move to the mountains? Bring the mountains to your bedroom
Keep the picnic going even after the sun goes down
Push back the seats and enjoy the show
Do one really nice thing each week this year
Grow your own edible alien landscape
Healthy, tasty and easy to make…all in one pan
Grow the kids a snackable secret hideaway
Give your old DVDs a new lease on life
Turn a bland corner into a useful zig-zag shelf
Visit new worlds without leaving the planet. (Romania! Who knew?)
Blow people’s minds with an all-new scarf move
Transform found stumps into heirlooms
Well hello there, 2015. It looks like it’s going to be an interesting year!
—Evany Thomas, Writer, still Pinning to To Try in 2015.