How trans people are using Pinterest for inspiration


Pinterest has always been a positive place where people can explore the dreams and ideas that will fuel their future selves. So it’s no surprise that since last year, searches for 'transgender transition' have increased 3,919%. Pinners are also finding inspiring quotes, artwork, style tips, wellness ideas and representation in the growing number of trans, non-binary and genderqueer celebrities online.

We have analysed how people are using Pinterest to dig into trans topics and celebrate gender transitions – for themselves and their loved ones, and are sharing some insights below.

Finding what transitioning means to you

People have been searching for trans topics on Pinterest for years. Top searches include “transgender quotes inspiration,” “transgender pride,” “transgender facts,” and “transgender art.”

But in 2019, “transgender transition” became the number one search related to transgender topics. There have been millions of searches for topics like changing your name and pronouns, hormone therapy, gender affirming surgeries, style, and how to support a loved one who is transitioning.

One of our own employees shared how Pinterest provided inspiration during their transition:

'Among other things, I've used Pinterest during my physical transition to explore and visualise my style. How do I see myself and how do I want others to see me? How much do I want to blend in or stand out? Timeless or trendy? Rugged, preppy, minimalistic, edgy or athletic? Sure, I had asked these questions before transitioning and had exclusively worn clothes made for guys for going on ten years, but I started to find that I wanted to ask myself those questions more often because the answers were beyond anything I thought possible before transitioning. Pinterest has been a great source of not just inspiration for what I want to wear, but of self-actualisation. It's helped me to see what's possible for me during a time of immense growth.'

A sharp increase in searches

Searches on 'transgender transition' started to rise dramatically in May of 2018, which might have correlated with other transgender issues and moments in the news at that time. Since this uplift in May 2018, searches on 'transgender transition' have continued to increase by 3,919%.


Other trending searches

Since this increase, there have also been four times as many searches for those transitioning from male to female than female to male – although we see from searches that Pinterest is popular with anyone who is transitioning. Some other trending searches this year are:

Top Pins

People are saving educational and inspiring Pins from the trans community like:

Resources on Pinterest

New to searching for transgender topics on Pinterest? These profiles can be a great place to start.

We’re honoured to share these insights and will work to continue building a positive and inspiring platform for all.  



¹Searches for “transgender transition” increased 3919% from May 2018 to August 2019.

²Percent increases for trends were calculated using normalized searches from August ‘18 to August ‘19.

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