Pinterest UK ambassadors

We’re pleased to introduce you to our official UK Pinterest ambassadors for this year.

Our ambassadors come from all over the UK, from London to Glasgow. They’re interior design experts, craft superstars and travel aficionados.

The one thing all our ambassadors have in common is they use Pinterest to bring their creative ideas to life. And that they want to share their know-how with the UK community.

Each of our ambassadors speak on our behalf at conferences and host their own events where you can learn first hand how Pinterest can help you get a little more creative every day.

Get to know our ambassadors


Zoe Arch of Craft Candy is from London and uses Pinterest to bookmark all of her visual inspiration. "Goodbye to the days of saving piles of magazines or trying to save articles on scraps of paper and hello to inspirational and organised project boards. Since joining Pinterest, I’ve discovered, learned and tried loads of new things from amazing new recipes to planning my wedding. Pinterest has opened my eyes to how much wonderfulness can be found online." 

Her number one tip for fellow Pinners? "You can never have too many boards and the more niche the better. I’ve created lots of niche boards and I’ve not only found great inspiration, I’ve also attracted like-minded followers."

Her favourite thing that she's made after Pinning it? "I suppose I have to say that planning my wedding using Pinterest was my most favourite thing I’ve done, but I’ve also decorated my living room using image inspiration found on Pinterest, cooked up some exotic meals and planned my daily outfits!"

To see a selection of what Zoe is Pinning, visit her board Craft, DIY and Tutorials.

Elizabeth Sellers

Elizabeth Sellers is the woman behind blogs Rosalilium and Awesome Wave. She loves Pinterest for visual discovery. "As much as I love my lists, I tend to work best with visual reminders. So Pinterest is an ideal place for me to collect visual reminders of projects, ideas and inspiration."

Her reason for joining Pinterest? "I joined way back in the early days of Pinterest in 2010 after a mutual friend of one of the co-founders mentioned it on Facebook. I loved that it was an extension of what I was doing on my blog at the time, which was collecting and curating things that interested me."

Her favourite thing that she's made after Pinning it? "We are about to buy a campervan thanks to lots of inspiration collected on my Campervans boards. I have lots of DIY ideas for making it beautiful and comfortable for our travels around the UK.  And thanks to Pinterest, I fell in love with kale following loads of inspiring recipes ideas."

To see what Elizabeth is Pinning, visit her board Maps and Globes.

Hege Morris

Hege Morris of Hege in France is a Norwegian interior design blogger, who lived in France but now lives in Glasgow. She loves the amount of inspiration she can find on Pinterest. "I don't just use Pinterest for interior design, but for going new places, fashion and cooking too."  

Hege Her number one tip for fellow Pinners? "Don't upload your photos to Pinterest. Pin them from your blog or your shop, so there's a direct link. You'll see an increase in traffic from Pinterest if you Pin them directly."

Her favourite thing that she's made after Pinning it? "My DIY bookshelf. I found a similar version on Pinterest and made my own DIY. It's also one of my most Pinned photos." 

To see what Hege is Pinning, visit her board Kitchens.

- Zoe Pearson, currently Pinning to Homes to Heart