Pinterest Search just got smarter

Pinterest Search Typeahead

Hello everybody! We’ve made a couple of improvements to how Search works, so now it’s even easier for you to find the creative ideas and people you’re looking for.

Streamlined search suggestions

Previously, when you did a search, your results were buried behind different filters for Pins, Pinners and boards. Now you can see all of the closest matching options as soon as you start typing.

Filter Boards on Pinterest

Once you tap on your results, you can use the new filter button to switch between seeing boards, Pinners, Pins or just your Pins.

We’ve been testing these improvements for a while now, and we’ve been noticing that over twice as many searchers find the brands, people and boards they want to follow.

Try doing a search of your own - we think you’ll like what you find!


—Sarah Tavel, currently Pinning to Animated GIFs That Will Come in Handy