Pinterest Cake

Last week, Pinterest UK turned two... and in honour of our wonderful UK Pinners, we celebrated with fiesta trends on Pinterest: a surprise inside cake, colourful bunting and even a mariachi band! The sun shone all afternoon and we crafted with Nikki McWilliams, created party hats, ohhed and ahhed over each other's balloon animals and sang along with the band. And then of course, we ate cake... icing, sponge and the surprise inside mini Smarties. 

We also recently asked you to share your stories and ways that you're using Pinterest for discovering, saving and doing things in your life. More than 66% of you said you've boasted to family and friends when you've completed a project you've planned on Pinterest. (We'd love you to share them with on Twitter or elsewhere using #PinterestUK). 

You also revealed that your most common uses of Pinterest are for discovering ideas for new DIY projects, discovering new food recipes and saving articles to read later.  

  • Each day, more than 700K women's fashion items are Pinned in the UK.
  • Grey is the most popular colour featured in home decor items Pinned in the UK.
  • Each day, more than 250K DIY project ideas are Pinned in the UK.

So we'd like to say a BIG thank you to everyone who shared their Pinterest thoughts with us, to every UK Pinner for making Pinterest UK the wonderful discovery platform that it is, and our attendees at our party for joining us for such a fun afternoon. Below are a few more snaps from the afternoon, if you'd like to see more then have a peek at our Facebook.


The suprise inside cake caused quite a stir... as everyone tried to take the best photo of it before we tucked in.


Music at a party 

Our wonderful band who played classic mariachi tunes and their take on songs like Frozen, Don't You Want Me Baby and other crowd pleasers.



Some happy crafters making fiesta plant holders... with extra pom poms, trims and other colourful bits and bobs. 

Dog in a frame

And what's a party without a cute pooch? Here the adorable (and tiny) Julie is turned into a real-life Pin. 

—Zoe Pearson, currently Pinning to US Road Trip