Body hair positivity, reverse wedding proposals and 12 other badass things women search for

Women’s History Month kicks off today and what better way to celebrate women around the world on Pinterest than to take a closer look at what they really care about?
Women have always been a key part of what makes Pinterest what it is today. As a visual discovery engine, Pinterest is a place where anyone can find what’s relevant to them, a place that isn’t about the perfect photo, flawless skin or one certain body type, but where anyone can go to connect with ideas that feel truly personal. Pinterest inspires users to embrace their beauty, connect with themselves and try new things - from an every day approach to wellness to starting a business.
Here are the interesting (and hopeful) insights:
There is no one beauty ideal on Pinterest
Women are embracing their unique selves more than ever. In fact, Pinterest is one of Fast Company's Most Innovative Companies of 2019 in the beauty category. Here’s what women are searching for more and more:
Plus size beauties +762% and flattering outfits for plus size +582%
Stop body shaming quotes +371% and body positivity quotes +78%
58% of top 100 search terms related to skin were searches for different colored skin, such as dark, pale, and olive²
Women just want to be women
Women are embracing their natural selves, and it shows through increasing searches:
Body hair positivity +158%
Heavy period hacks +181%
44% of Pinners believe an approach to wellness is having a natural look (using the right beauty/personal care products)³
Creating their own rules
While valuing traditions, women are becoming more creative when it comes to certain customs.
Women are turning the tables and looking for inspiration to do the proposal themselves (+336%)⁴
Women rule the world
Women are turning to Pinterest for inspiration on starting their own business, with searches on “business motivation” increasing 182%.
There are tens of millions of searches around different types of businesses on Pinterest, including for business planning, small business tips, and business marketing. Some business ideas women are searching for include:
Design in the modern age by starting a 3D printing business +233%
Publishing, marketing, and blogging are some of the many digital businesses +139% women are trying
- Get paid to travel with your travel business +35%
¹All percent increases are calculated using normalized searches from December ‘17 to December ‘18 unless noted otherwise.
²Pinterest internal data, all of 2018
³Pinterest wellness research, US Critical Mix, October-November 2018
⁴Trend on women proposing to their partners was calculated using normalized searches from October ‘17 to October ‘18.