What's Hap-Pin-in': November 2018

Welcome to Pinterest’s What’s Hap-Pin-in’ Newsletter, where you'll find the latest insights and trends on Pinterest! The holiday season is here, so be sure to check out our Holi-Yay Report for top holiday trends. Also in this issue: top Pins for Thanksgiving leftover ideas, top home trends from Bravo's Carson & Thom, and so much more!
Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes
The top saved Pins¹
We need to cook enough for a giant feast because, well, that’s what a Thanksgiving meal is. If you're lucky enough to have tons of leftovers, why not try something more scrumptious and creative than the 'ol turkey sandwich? Check out the the top Pins for Thanksgiving Leftovers below.
A couple of casseroles
- Turkey Pot Pie Soup (62K)
- Turkey Cranberry Sliders (35K)
- Cheesy Ham Casserole (30K)
- Next Day Thanksgiving Pasties (30K)
- Leftover Turkey Cheese Casserole(28K)

Brocolli for your pasta
- Turkey Stuffed Acorn Squash (25K)
- Leftover Turkey Shepherd's Pie (20K)
- Turkey Tetrazzini (17K)
- Turkey Broccoli Pasta (15K)
- Thanksgiving Leftover Hand Pies (14K)

What the east and west wine about²
Pinners love their wine. Don't believe us? There have been nearly 73M wine related searches³ on Pinterest. With 352M wine ideas⁴ saved to 174M boards⁵, the ideas for recipes, celebrations, and hacks are limitless. Check out the map to see what each region searches for more than the other when it comes to wine, and may your glass always be half full.

Carson and Thom’s Favorite Home Design Trends
Bravo’s new original design series “Get a Room with Carson & Thom” follows co-stars Carson Kressley and Thom Filicia as they redesign rooms for a wide variety of clients and spaces. The design duo teamed up with Pinterest to share the home design trends they’re loving right now.
Thom Felicia's Design Trends
Black is Back (as a Neutral) - Black is no longer just an accent color.
Bring the Outdoors In - The addition of florals and plants, whether they’re living or featured on a throw pillow.
Bold Pops of Color – Bold colors and jewel tones, are a great alternative to places where neutrals are commonly used.
It's All in the Layers – Mixing various textures, patterns, materials and colors to create a personalized interior.
Art & Tiles are the Next Big Thing (Literally) - Oversized artwork can create a personal, yet modern and intriguing focal point in a room.

Carson Kressley’s Design Trends
All Brass Fixtures – Whether it’s a faucet or light fixture, brass hardware has the ability to make a room feel modern but classic.
Color, Color, Color! – No one should be afraid of color. Color on wall paneling or in the family room rug will make any home feel more happy.
Plants (They're like Pets!) – Adding a touch of green through houseplants can make any room come alive.
Santa Fe Style – Colors, textures and materials evocative of the American West are great ways to add some interest and layering to space.
Wallpaper on Everything – Wallpaper is like artwork - it can be personal and create an interesting focal point in a room.

Product tip of the Month: Shop the Look is your one-stop shop for your holiday shopping needs
Just in time for the holidays, we’ve added a new shopping recommendations section beneath Style and Home Pins and launched a new mobile shortcut so you can hold on a Pin, click the shopping tag, and dive into a shopping feed. We’ve also made hundreds of millions of Pins shoppable with up-to-date pricing and stock information. Read more here.

¹Top Pins are amongst the Pins that have the highest number of saves over all time
²Searches are what the west and east search for more than the other, states included are highlighted
³Total searches related to wine over all time
⁴Total Pins saved related to wine over all time
⁵Total boards related to wine over all time